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Leak Repair

When it comes to chimney maintenance, repair or replacement may be necessary depending on the extent of damage. Chimney repair involves fixing any issues such as cracks, leaks, or damaged masonry.

Chimney Flashing
&Chimney Liner

Chimney flashing and chimney liners are two important components of a safe and efficient chimney system. Chimney flashing is the metal or other material used to seal the gap between the chimney and the roof, preventing water and other debris from entering the home. Chimney liners, on the other hand, are protective barriers that line the inside of the chimney. They serve to protect the chimney walls from the corrosive byproducts of combustion, such as creosote, while also helping to improve draft and prevent chimney fires – chimney leak repair.

What Services do we Provide?

Chimney services & Restoration Chicago.

Common problems that arise in Chimneys are failing brick and mortar in the outer chimney areas, the lack of or damage to the chimney lining, or damaged chimney caps or crowns, also leaks from the chimney in the basement – Chimney Leak Repair

It depends on the repair work that the chimney needs, common problems are water dripping, condensation, yellowish water dripping in the basement – chimney leak repair – metal chimney leaks in heavy rain.

There are two reasons for a chimney to sweat: normal condensation, and leaks in the chimney structure – signs of a leaking chimney.

The material that we usually use to cover chimneys is aluminum.

Normal Chimney Condensation

If you’ve noticed dampness on the bricks and mortar of your chimney or the inside walls of your home adjacent to the chimney, you are probably dealing with chimney sweating.

When it’s cold outside and the warm, humid air inside the home contacts the cold walls of the chimney, the warm air will condense on the cold surface and result in dripping.

The sweating in this case is normal and will cease once a fire is built and the chimney heats up – chimney leak repair


How To Prevent Chimney Sweating

Chimneys that don’t have a quality flue liner are more prone to sweating. If you’re running your fireplace without a chimney liner, consider having one installed. Liners isolate the air inside the chimney from the chimney walls, resulting in slower cooling of the walls and less production of condensation on the outside of the chimney.

Who to call for chimney leak?

For many years we have solved problems with leaks in chimneys, contact ENRIQUEZ LLC at 773 952 0517 – Free Estimates – Throughout Chicago and the suburbs – and there will be no more chimney leaking inside house.

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Chimney flashing – Chimney Liner Services – chimney leak repair